Open Homosexuals in the Military; Religious Liberty in the Balance

The lifting of the 1993 law barring open homosexuals from military service is only being discussed, yet the Pentagon is taking iron-fisted action against those who speak publicly in support of the law. This, plus the military’s zero-tolerance diversity policy, is raising important issues about the future of religious liberty and the chaplain corps in the military. As a result of that concern, 40 retired military chaplains sent a letter to President Obama and Defense Secretary Gates opposing the lifting of the law barring homosexuals from military service.

Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council


Chaplain (Colonel) Richard R. Young, U.S. Army, retired –


Jordan Lorence, Senior Counsel, Alliance Defense Fund –


Part 1 – Perkins, Young and Lorence-


Part 2 – Arthur Schultz, former Army chaplain, Legal Counsel,National Conference of Evangelical Part 3 – Chaplain Endorsers –


Part 4 – Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness –


Part 5, Lorence –
