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ObamaCare in Ohio

By February 12, 2013Ohio
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The governor of each state has the ability to use their authority to block the expansion of ObamaCare, and Gov. Kasich sides with Big Government!

Even the media resources caught on:
Breitbart: ‘Kasich Caves, Accepts ObamaCare Funds for Medicaid Expansion.’
National Review: “‘Kasich Takes Obamacare’s -Free Money’

But we can still stop it!

As usual, the expansion will require approval by both Houses of the state legislature, and without that approval, it is dead!

It is very simple: Pray and make two phone calls!!

Pray our efforts will be effective.

Locate your state representative and state senator here.

Please be courteous and tell them; you do not want ObamaCare to be expanded in Ohio and to vote NO on any expansion to Medicaid!!!

We are to be good stewards of all that God has given us and protect it for future generations! So, please, call your representatives today!