Join CWA of Tennessee at the Rally for Real Education Reform in Nashville

By November 15, 2013Tennessee

Tennessee parents, teachers, students, and legislators have been dismissed from the “New American Education System” known as the Common Core State Standards Initiative.

This is a federal initiative that is:

  • Unconstitutional
  • An affront to states’ rights as outlined in the Tenth Amendment
  • An experiment destined for failure
  • A loss of local control
  • A loss of privacy
  • A loss of parental rights
  • A cost that will fall on our state

It is time for Tennessee to make its voice heard in the quire of resistance growing around the country. It’s time for us to be informed, get involved and make a change.

Join us for a national protest of Common Core and a request for REAL Education Reform.

Are you with us?!

State Capitol
War Memorial Plaza
Nashville, TN

Monday, November 18, 2013
12:00 noon

Outstanding Speakers:
Steve Gill, President of Gill Media
Sen. Mae Beavers (District 12)
Karen Bracken, Founder of Tennessee Against Common Core
Rep. Joe Carr (District 48)
Ben Cunningham, Nashville Tea Party
Michael Lotfi, Associate State Director of the 10th Amendment Center
Danny Page, Citizen Activist
and myself

This is a free event, and no RSVP is required.

Click here for more information.

Plan to attend and bring a friend!

Brenda Causey
State Director
CWA of Tennessee