Governor Abercrombie’s Special Session – Marriage Continues to be at Risk in Hawaii

By October 24, 2013Hawaii

We are alerting you again with an urgent call to action! Marriage continues to be under attack in Hawaii as lawmakers prepare for the Special Session called by the Governor as they plan to circumvent the will of the people and impose so-called same-sex marriage in our state. This Special Session was not approved by the majority of the House as specified in our State Constitution; the Governor decided for himself to go ahead and do this in order to get this legislation passed before the end of the year. There are only two months before the next session begins, and there would be more time to have hearings and to allow the people to give testimonies about this bill which is usually how the legislative process works. There are no hearings being held around the Islands as called for in our Constitution. This Special Session is for only five or six days which does not give enough time for Hawaii residents to testify.

Gov. Neil Abercrombie is pulling out all the stops to bring pressure on lawmakers to vote for homosexual marriage in this special session. He is telling them that there will not be a negative impact on the population of Hawaii if this bill is passed. This is not true, as evidenced by the states who have already done this. The State of Massachusetts has a long list of the negative impacts same sex “marriage” has had on their state. We must make our voices heard! Call your legislators today and ask them to vote no on same-sex “marriage”. Click here to find their contact information.

Some say this is in response to the recent Supreme Court decisions, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Court specifically allowed states to define marriage, saying the federal government is to abide by our state’s definition. Also DOMA was not completely struck down as unconstitutional, only Section 3 in DOMA was actually changed. And why is Hawaii the only state out of 34 that does not have same sex “marriage” legalized rushing to get it done so quickly? None of those other states are doing this.

Civil unions are already legal here in Hawaii, and under federal law, those unions will be allowed the same benefits of married couples; they do not need to have their same sex union declared a marriage. This is not what our Governor is telling us; he is saying that same sex “marriage” needs to be legalized in order for them to receive those benefits. Also, Religious Exemptions will not stop what will happen should this law be passed; other states who have passed same sex “marriage” legislation are having some serious problems in many different areas – many of them affecting children.

Our children will be indoctrinated to accept homosexuality as normal, which has already happened or is happening in those states where same sex “marriage” is legal. They are going to be reaching out to children beginning in kindergarten, and there is evidence to back this up.

Call your legislators today and ask them to vote no on same-sex “marriage”. Click here to find out who your state legislators are and how to contact them. Go to the upper right hand corner to “Find your legislator” and fill in your street name. It’s easy!

Also, remember to spread the word to your family and friends – today. We need as many people as possible to let our elected officials know that we are watching what they are doing and will remember this in the next election. No elected official can say they are pro-family and act this recklessly against the best interest of society, families and children.