Democrats Refuse Bill Helping Sex-Trafficking Victims

By November 1, 2013Maine

Wednesday morning the Democrat controlled Legislative Council refused to allow Rep. Amy Volk’s (R-Scarborough) bill to help victims of sex-trafficking move forward. The Maine press is ignoring the story, but you can read it here on

CWA of Maine along with Susan Dench, founder and president of the Informed Women’s Network, and Carroll Conley, Executive Director of Maine’s Christian Civic League, are quoted in the story. Read how the League of Women Voters is refusing to fight in this real “War on Women.”

Please contact your lawmakers and ask them to put pressure on the Democrat leadership to reconsider their vote and allow this necessary bill to move forward. Rep. Volk has until November 6 to appeal the leadership’s decision, so please act NOW and help her. Click here to find your Senator and Representative and their contact information.