Morrell Gives State Legislative Update at 40 Days for Life Kick-Off

By March 8, 2011Maine

“With a Republican-led House and Senate and a pro-life governor, the State of Maine has a great opportunity to pass pro-life and pro-woman legislation this year,” Penny Morrell told those attending the 40 Days for Life Kick-off on March 6, 2011, at River Rock Christian Fellowship in Chelsea, Maine. Janet LeBlanc, Maine Coordinator for 40 Days for Life; Carroll Conley, Executive Director of The Christian Civic League of Maine and Christopher Slattery, Founder and President of EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers in New York City joined Penny on the program.

After sharing about her lobbying trip to Washington, D.C., CWA of Maine Area Director South informed those attending about CWA’s effort to light up the Congressional switchboard on Tuesday, March 8, to urge Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins to support legislation passed by the House of Representatives to defund Planned Parenthood.

Penny began her state legislative update with “An Act to Educate Women on the Medical Risks Associated with Abortion.” L.D. 924 would require doctors to educate women on the risks and alternatives to abortion. This bill is sponsored by Rep. Eleanor Espling (R-New Gloucester).

Tyler Clark (R-Easton) sponsored L.D. 116 which would require a 24-hour waiting period before a woman can have an abortion. Clark said the goal for this bill is not to limit abortion, but to simply allow time for women to make such an important decision.

“An Act To Protect the Safety of Maine Children by Requiring the Express Consent of a Legal Guardian To Dispense Prescription Medication to a Minor” would strengthen parents’ rights in the healthcare of their children. L.D. 31 is sponsored by Rep. Rich Cebra (R-Naples).

Rep. Dale Crafts (R-Lisbon) has introduced a bill to strengthen Maine’s parental consent laws before a minor child receives an abortion.

“I was pleased with the enthusiasm and energy within the group to get it done,” said Penny. “With all of us working together, Maine is on the cusp of passing legislation to protect women and children for the first time in years.”

The 40 Days for Life fast begins on Wednesday, March 9. Please consider joining CWA members and others across the state as we fast and pray for the unborn.