October 4 Events: Life Chain – Several Locations Around the State

By September 8, 2020Missouri

[click here for flyer]

What is Life Chain?
It is a peaceful, positive, prayerful witness against abortion. Come, let us seek God’s divine intervention for the healing of our country.

Who Should Attend?
Those who are willing to defend human life against abortion. Bring the family—including a lawn chair for the elderly. Our community needs to know that its citizens support the sanctity of human life.
Go to lifechain.org for more information.

Will Signs Be Provided?
Life Chain participants will be given signs that display the following:
“Abortion Kills Children”
“Jesus Heals and Forgives”
“Abortion Hurts Women”
“Pray to End Abortion”
“Adoption, the Loving Option”
“Lord, Forgive Us and Our Nation”
“Life-the First Inalienable Right”

Where Are the Missouri Locations?

West Side Hwy 47 between Veterans Memorial
Highway and Main Street
Contact: Bev Ehlen
636-932-4496 or director@missoiri.cwfa.org

76 Country Boulevard
Contact: Carolyn Lilley
417-337-3001 or carolynlilley@vanderlink.net

Contact Bev Ehlen for events in other areas around the state.