Make a Difference in the Louisiana State Legislature

By March 8, 2013Louisiana

Regardless of party affiliation, our state legislators need both your prayers and encouragement.

The 2012 Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) program was a great success. Forty-four fantastic volunteers prayed daily for our legislators and sent them postcards during the Legislative Session.

We were encouraged that many legislators said that they valued our prayers. One representative wrote, “Thank you for the words of encouragement. It is a blessing to know that you are taking the time to pray for me. There are many decisions to be made this session, and we all need the wisdom of God to know what to do in every situation. I appreciate you and the Concerned Women for America of Louisiana for your efforts.”

The 2013 EAL program is about to begin and looks to be another great year!

We hope to expand to fifty volunteers. The Louisiana Regular Session will convene April 8 and will adjourn June 6. Each participant sends five postcards, to their assigned legislator, one every other week. This is not a time to express opinions but to encourage them and let them know that you are praying for them.

If you would like to participate, please e-mail Debbie by Friday, March 15, with your name, address and phone number. A packet including the five postcards will then be sent to you.

We plan to have our annual “Appreciation Day” in May. Watch for more information to come.

Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life through prayer and encouragement.

“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:17b