Louisiana 2013 Life March – Stand Strong; March On

By March 18, 2013Louisiana

Concerned Women for America of Louisiana was proud to again be a one of the cosponsors of the Louisiana 2013 Life March held on Saturday, January 12. This year was the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize abortions in the United States. Tragically, since that decision, fifty-two million babies have been aborted.

Estimates ranged from 1,500 to 2,500 people who gathered at the old state capitol to march to the current state capitol steps to pray and hear inspirational speakers including U.S. Senator David Vitter and pro-life champion Louisiana State Senator Sharon Broome.

Gene Mills from the Louisiana Family Forum said, “It is our hope as we gather prayerfully to prepare for an abortion-free Louisiana that God would hear our prayer, visit our state and do great things on behalf of the unborn.”

One of the most moving sights was a group of women standing silently on the steps of the capitol holding signs that stated, “I regret my abortion.” Let us pray for the healing of all those suffering from the aftermath of abortion.

The goal of the walk was to encourage, motivate, and continue building a culture of life.

Louisiana is a strong pro-life state. By God’s grace let us continue to work for an abortion-free Louisiana and ultimately an abortion-free nation.

To continue our work and to make a difference in Louisiana, we need your help: please pray for our great state, attend or lead a Prayer/Action Chapter and financially contribute to our efforts.

If you are interested in becoming a member of Concerned Women for America of Louisiana or receiving information, click here to contact us.

“Open your mouth for the speechless in the course of all who are appointed to die.” Proverbs 3:8