Lifting the Ban on Open Homosexuals in the Military

The issue of allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the military is a matter that is still under debate, yet military leaders are acting like it’s a done deal, which has an enormous impact on the religious and free speech rights of our service members. The most glaring example occurred recently when Family Research Council President Tony Perkins was disinvited to a prayer luncheon at Andrews Air Force Base, simply because of his public stand on the issue, which was not even the topic he was invited to address. Matt Barber, Director of Cultural Affairs for the Liberty Counsel, says we should expect to see similar instances against service members and chaplains as homosexual politics melts into our military culture.


Matt’s column on combat and blood-born pathogens can be read here. An insightful letter to Adm Mullen from retired Navy Captain Jim Jefferis can be read here.

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