Portal – A New Resource Coming to Floridians!

By May 22, 2024Florida

I have great news to share! This week, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law CS/HB/415, a bill that establishes an online pregnancy resource hub for expected and new parents in the state of Florida. The bill will require the Department of Health to maintain a website which provides pregnancy and parenting resources.

Women in a crisis pregnancy need to know where to go for support and help, and many mothers and fathers need parenting support and counsel. This website will give them the resources they need. This state-level portal was a top priority for Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Florida, and we thank Rep. Bernie Jacques (Republican-D59) and Sen. Erin Grall (Republican-D29) for sponsoring the bill and Gov. Ron De Santis for signing it.

Ruth Smith
State Director