Legislative Update for November 9, 2012

By November 9, 2012Legislative Updates

The election is over, and Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee will continue to fight to preserve our Biblical worldview on Capitol Hill.  Ultimately, Tuesday’s results mean that not much has changed in the overall landscape in Washington.  The Democrats still control the White House and the Senate, and the Republicans control the House. 

In the House, Republicans have 235 seats, and the Democrats have 200, a pick-up of seven seats for the Democrats.  In the Senate, the Democrats have 53 senators and two independents that will caucus with them and Republicans have 45.  This is a net gain of two seats for the Democrats but still allows Republicans to filibuster bad legislation.

What has changed significantly is Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nevada) tune.  According to Roll Call, on November 2, Senator Reid stated that Democrats would block Mitt Romney’s agenda if he won the presidency.  He said, “Mitt Romney’s fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his ‘severely conservative’ agenda is laughable.”

Now, the Washington Times is reporting that Sen. Reid wants to change the Senate filibuster rules to limit Republicans’ ability to block legislation.

Currently in the Senate, if a bill does not have unanimous consent, Sen. Reid must file a motion to proceed to bring it to the floor for debate.  This requires a 60-vote threshold.  Sen. Reid thinks this process, which is a part of the Senate, needs to be changed so he can move his liberal agenda.

His tactic to eliminate the filibuster is ironic, considering that since he has become Majority Leader, he has implemented his own strong arm tactics to silence opposition.  Reid routinely denies Republicans the opportunity to offer amendments to legislation on the Senate floor.  He has used a Senate procedure known as “filling the amendment tree” more than his six immediate predecessors combined.

In order to protect conservatives in the Senate, Reid cannot be allowed to change the filibuster rules.  Please call your senators today and urge them to oppose Reid’s efforts.  To find your senators’ contact information, please click here.