Legislative Update for March 9, 2012

Despite the failed conscience vote in the Senate last week, this issue continues to gain momentum.In the House, Rep. Jeff Landry (R-Louisiana) circulated a letter to the Budget Committee requesting that no funds be given to any efforts to implement or enforce rules that would violate conscience or religious beliefs. He was joined by 79 of his House colleagues. Concerned Women for America (CWA) encouraged his efforts on the Hill.

CWA has continued to push for the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act on Capitol Hill this week.We are meeting with our friends in the House who have not yet cosponsored Rep. Jeff Fortenberrys (R-Nebraska) bill and urging them to cosponsor this important legislation. This crucial issue is not about womens health; it goes to the very foundations of our country.

CWA was able to help jumpstart another pro-life bill this week.Rep. Trent Franks (R-Arizona), one of our pro-life heroes, held a hearing in his Constitution Subcommittee on the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA).CWA has been pushing this legislation and has indicated that it is one of our top legislative priorities this Congress.Our Project 535 volunteers have lobbied twice in support of this bill, and we are glad to see movement.

As we approach the second anniversary of ObamaCare, we are constantly reminded why full repeal of this government takeover of our healthcare is necessary.Just this week, the House had the second hearing on the repeal of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), one of the most contentious portions of ObamaCare. IPAB is a board of unelected bureaucrats that would ration treatment to seniors.It is expected that the IPAB repeal will receive a vote in the House in the next two weeks.

In the Senate, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada) is looking to push Obamas judicial nominations.One of the more controversial nominees that could be considered is Andrew David Hurwitz, who was nominated to the United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Hurwitz has proudly recounted how he was referred to as the clerk who wrote the Newman opinion, the decision that served as the basis for Roe, when he went on to apply for clerkships at the Supreme Court.

Take Action Now:

1.Call your representative and urge him/her to cosponsor H.R 1179 (Respect for Rights of Conscience Act). Also please ask them to urge Leadership to bring this bill to the floor for a vote. Click here to find your representatives contact information.

2.Call your senators who voted against tabling the Blunt Amendment and thank them for standing firm for our First Amendment Rights. Click here for a list of senators who voted against tabling the amendment.

3.Also, ask your senators to vote against Hurwitzs nomination. Click here to find your senators contact information.