Legislative Update for July 13, 2012

This week the House took action to repeal ObamaCare. The American people have been voicing their displeasure with this law since before it squeezed its way through our system.Many Americans know that centralized health care is not going to be kind on the conscience, and with a vote of 244-185, House members showed that they hear their constituents concerns.Click here for the official press release that Concerned Women for America sent out this week. Once again, the issue of health care is now in the hands of the liberal-controlled Senate.

Act now: Call your senators now at 202-224-3121 and urge them to support the repeal of ObamaCare.To find your senators click here.

Defending Baby Girls

The House also had another hearing this week on China’s one-child policy.Rep. Chris Smith (R-New Jersey) has been at the forefront, alerting everyone to the continued human rights attacks on families in China.Witnesses gave heart wrenching, first-hand testimonies on how the Chinese government forces abortions and sterilization on their women and families.As a result of this “policy,” Chinese families – as well as the government – prefer baby boys to baby girls.

The hearing in the House comes as Sen. Vitter (R-Louisiana) looks for support on his bill, the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, to stop gendercide in the United States.Although sex-selection abortions take place in America, China is the greatest example of this violation.We know this is a basic human rights issue and must be addressed.Click here to get more information on gendercide in the U.S.

Another One-Sided Hearing

As predicated, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) was largely one-sided.Like other U.N. treaties, CRPD is a feel-good attempt at limiting liberty for the United States abroad and at home.Concerned Women for America is working diligently to make sure U.N. treaties are not passed through the Senate without first protecting American sovereignty.

Act now: Call your senators now at 202-224-3121 and urge them to oppose this treaty.To find your senators click here.