Legislative Update for December 6, 2013

By December 6, 2013Legislative Updates


LegisUpdateLogoWhile the House and Senate were out last week, the Obama Internal Revenue Service (IRS) proposed new guidelines for 501(c)(4) organizations, which will have the significant effect of chilling advocacy groups’ activities, particularly in how they communicate to their members.  In typical Obama Administration form, the IRS took action towards silencing 501(c)(4)s, instead of addressing the real issue of why conservative organizations were being targeted.

Budget negotiations were being hammered out this week, with plans to vote on a budget next week.  CWALAC met with leadership staff and urged them to maintain the spending cuts and caps imposed by the bipartisan Budget Control Act of 2011.

Take Action: Please call your representative at 202-225-3121 and ask him/her to support the bipartisan spending cuts and caps. Click here to find your representative.


The Senate was out of session on its Thanksgiving recess.