Legislative Update for August 2, 2013

Thelast two weeks before the August recess were filled with partisan folly andlittle results.

ObamaCare: According to theCongressional Budget Office (CBO), the Obama Administration’s decision to delaythe employer mandate in ObamaCare will cost the government about $12 billion. Thedelay will allow a reprieve to large businesses. Those businesses would havebeen required to offer their full-time employees health insurance coverage orbe forced to pay a penalty.Now,individuals are vulnerable to the impending consequences.

BothHouse and Senate Republicans have worked to delay ObamaCare for everyone –large business and the individuals who work there – by passing legislation likeRep. Tom Price’s (R-Georgia) bill, H.R. 2009, and Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) bill, S. 1292.

TheHouse measure would bar the IRS from enforcing penalties under ObamaCare, whilethe Senate measure would fully defund ObamaCare. Friday, August 02, will be theHouse chamber’s 40th attempt at crippling ObamaCare. The House’sefforts are met with opposition in the Senate by a Majority who refuses tobring up a bill that will diminish the issues upon which President Obama hasbuilt his Administration.

Sen.Cruz, the sponsor of S. 1292, said this week, “If we don’t stand and stopObamaCare now, we never will. We can completely defund it in the continuingresolution – but only with your help.” That is true, and with most Americans’disapproval of ObamaCare, some Republicans are left considering the idea ofattaching a provision to the continuing resolution (which has been funding ourgovernment since the last budget was passed in 2009) that the president hassaid he would veto.

What’scertain is the individual is currently left exposed to the penalties that comewith ObamaCare.It is the Americanpeople who are left alone to navigate through the upcoming October 1 deadlineand the surge in new part-time employment rather than full-time.

Act Now: Your representatives and senators arenow home for August recess. Many will be having townhall meetings in your area.Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) wouldencourage you to attend and let your Member of Congress know that we need tofund our government and fully defund ObamaCare.

Nomination: Samantha Powers hasbeen confirmed to be the next U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations by a votein the Senate of 87-10 with three senators not voting.Click here to see which wayyour member voted.

To readCWALAC’s opposition letter to Miss Power’s nomination, click here.

Recess: Congress is now out-of-session forthe month of August and will return in September. Again, CWALAC would encourageyou to reach out to your members while they are in the state and in their homedistricts.