June 9 – Appreciation Day for State Legislators

By June 7, 2021Maine

Maine’s legislative session is wrapping up soon for this year, and what a year it has been!  Because of COVID-19, Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Maine could not go into the Hall of Flags for our annual “Respect Life” day at the Capitol.  So, the Pro-Life Coalition, last minute, has the wonderful idea of having an event outdoors to give the lawmakers a break. We know how long the days can be at this time in the session, and many bills will be debated in the House and Senate before they adjourn this month. We want to help pro-life lawmakers make their cases for passage of good life bills at the same time as we encourage opponents to support life legislation.

With this in mind, we will host an event outside between the Capitol and the Cross Office Building in Augusta from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. this Wednesday, June 9.  We are inviting lawmakers to visit us.  Coffee and refreshments will be available, and we will have the opportunity to share our lobbying efforts this session with them and ask them to support the life bills soon to come before them for a vote.

 Take Action!

  • Contact your House and Senate members of the Maine Legislature and ask them to support important pro-life legislation. The five bills CWA of Maine is actively working on are listed below my signature line. Click House of Representatives and Senate to find your representative and senator alphabetically listed by town with their contact information.
  • Be sure to let them know you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Maine.
  • Pray for success for us on June 9 as we encourage lawmakers to support the good pro-life legislation.
  • Forward this information to friends and family.

Please Pray: Dear Father, please lay on the hearts of the citizens of Maine to stand for life by engaging with their legislators on important pro-life bills. We also pray for the hearts of our legislators that they will value life as you do. In Jesus’ Name.  Amen

“Whenever GOD determines to do a great work, HE first sets HIS people to pray.” Charles H. Spurgeon.

Penny Morrell
State Director

Please ask your legislators to support these bills. You can read more about these bills here.

L.D. 748, An Act to Prohibit Taxpayer Funding for Abortion.

L.D. 851, An Act To Ensure Women Are Informed of Abortion Pill Reversal.

L.D. 915, An Act To Conform State Law to the Federal Hyde Amendment

L.D. 825, An Act To Ensure Equality in Women’s Health Care Access in Maine by Requiring Facilities Providing Abortions To Inform Patients of Options and Alternatives” and

L.D. 1225, Title: An Act To Provide Dignity for Fetal Remains.