Turbulent times surround us, and there is much to be concerned about in today’s world. As Christian conservative women, we must know our message, learn the issues, and share our beliefs.
If you or someone you know lives in or around Citrus County, I invite you to attend our Coffee & Conversation event hosted by Beverly Shoemaker, Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Florida Prayer/Action Chapter Leader. I will be speaking about the issues that impact our families, community, and state from a biblical perspective and will discuss proactive ways to engage and have an impact – all over coffee and dessert.
God has been stirring believers to pray and get informed about the issues affecting life, faith, and family. Learn how to use your voice to influence policy. It will be a meaningful morning of conversation, prayer, and fellowship with like-minded women who are faithfully standing for Truth in these turbulent times.
Here are the details: