Join Our Virtual Prayer/Action Chapter

By July 23, 2011Georgia

Please join us for our monthly CWA of Georgia virtual Prayer/Action Chapter. We have a wonderful group of pray-ers who “meet” monthly to pray and take action on key issues impacting our communities, state and nation.

What will take place during our virtual Prayer/Action Chapter? Designed just like a face-to-face chapter, we will “meet” monthly to review current issues on the local, state and national level. Meetings include time to educate the group on an issue, pray about the issue and for our state and nation, and then take action on the issue. Meetings typically run 45 minutes.

When does the virtual Prayer/Action Chapter meet? We meet the second Thursday and Saturday of each month. The Thursday chapter meets at 7:30 p.m. and the Saturday chapter meets at 9:00 a.m.

Here is how it works:
If you are interested in being a part of the virtual Prayer/Action Chapter or would like more information, please contact CWA of Georgia at 770-617-1987. The virtual chapter will take place via a telephone conference call. We are asking interested participants to contact CWA of Georgia via telephone prior to meeting to be a part of the virtual chapter. We will in turn communicate to you the conference call number and code to access the Prayer/Action Chapter.

“Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6