Join CWA of Maine’s Encourage-A-Legislative Program

By November 26, 2013Maine

We are setting up our Encourage-A-Legislator program for this coming legislative session again. Our prayer is that those who took part last year will be willing and eager to do it again this year as well and many new encouragers.

Please e-mail or call me at (207)345-1200 if you wish to be an encourager to a lawmaker this legislative session. It is a real ministry of service to the Lord and to our legislators, and I believe it has had a significant impact. No lobbying is done through this program, only encouragement. We want the lawmakers to know we are thankful for their service.

You will receive a packet with the name and biography of your legislator, as well as six CWA furnished post cards, one for each month of the session. Also included in the packet are suggestions to write on the post card (optional for your use). The 2014 session will commence in January and last through May, so you will probably only send five post cards. The dates to send the post cards will also be included in your packet.

We received letters of appreciation from the legislators again this past year which have been very encouraging. They communicate to us that they need and want to be upheld in prayer as they serve the people of Maine.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Praying along with you,

Jan Pinkham
Encourage-a-Legislator Coordinator
(207) 345-1200