Join CWA at the 2018 March for Life!

Join CWA at the 2018 March for Life!


Friday, January 19, for the 45th annual March for Life here in Washington, D.C.


The March for Life Rally will take place at 12th St. on the National Mall in between Madison Drive and Jefferson Drive.

Following the Rally, the March will begin on Constitution Avenue between 12th and 14th Streets.

What time: 

9:30 a.m.  There will be breakfast and coffee at the CWA headquarters

11:00 a.m.  Leave CWA headquarters and walk to the Rally

12:00 p.m.  The Rally starts

1:00 p.m.  The March begins


If you will be able to stop by the CWA office that morning, please email Annabelle Rutledge at and let her know.

(You are welcome to come to any and/or all of the events held that day! Head over to the March for Life website to learn more about details, speakers, and to download maps.)

The mainstream media wants us to believe that most people support abortion and that abortion is anti-woman, but the reality is that in two weeks, hundreds of thousands of Americans will come together to celebrate life! And as Penny reminded us in a statement she wrote this week, being pro-life is the foundation of being pro-woman:

“Being pro-life is being pro-woman because this philosophy centers around the belief that women are created by God to be strong, free, loving, and uniquely distinct human beings.  We are blessed to be the givers of life through the distinct capability of growing and bearing children as well as the God-size ability to love our children unconditionally.  To ignore and dishonor this particular aspect of our God-given femininity is to ignore and dishonor a vital part of our very essence.

“We are not simply men with different sexual organs.  Indeed, women are the gift God gave the world to ensure civility, order and love is brought forth through the ages. Though we too are broken human beings and in need of saving Grace, through us the best of mankind is able to thrive.  Our ability to give life should make us ardent evangelists for an ethic of Iife. Humanity depends on our recognition of the preciousness of human life to discourage war, to value the poor, the sick and the weak and to care for the ‘least of these.’  Without this ethic of life, all humans become only utilitarian shells to produce or die.

“And history has shown that women and children suffer the most when ideology is divorced from an ethic of life.  Even today, societies which do not value life destroy ethnic groups they despise or strap bombs on children and send them into war.  And in a pro-abortion culture women are told that is it perfectly normal to walk into abortion clinics and destroy their own offspring.  This is not just an impractical exercise in philosophical thought; a pro-life ideology is essential to the protection of women and their children.”