Irreplaceable: The Importance of a Father

The newest documentary from Focus on the Family, Irreplaceable, dives deep into our world’s broken view of the family to find exactly what it is that has led us to where we are now.

With one-in-three children in America growing up in a home without a father, Irreplaceable reminds us of the important impact a married mom and dad has on children and society, and it seeks to address the fatherless future towards which we are headed. Irreplaceable takes you on a journey across the world with Tim Sisarich, Executive Director of Focus on the Family New Zealand, to hear from both experts and ordinary people alike to find the root of the problem.

Irreplaceable began by taking a step back and looking at the increased sexual pressure from pop culture, peers, and other avenues that has negatively affected our perception of sex, which was normally reserved for marriage, and how degrading marriage devalues the role of a committed partnership. Then it moves to the cultural change from the “happily ever after” we grew up believing in to the now more commonly seen “happily until I’m not happy anymore” mindset. Irreplaceable shows how this leads to the depreciation of what it means to be a parent.

From there, Irreplaceable takes a look at the negative effects from society’s push for the removal of traditional gender roles and how the one-size-fits-all mentality of parenthood hurts our children. Irreplaceable shows you the step-by-step process from dating, to marriage, to parenthood, and how without a strong and stable married mother and father present in a child’s life the devaluation of sex, marriage, parenthood, children, and life is almost always sure to follow.

While at Concerned Women for America, I have been exposed to the statistics surrounding broken families and children who grew up in fatherless homes, but Irreplaceable puts faces to the numbers. Sisarich talked to people who desperately wished for a father figure and believed their life could have turned out better if they’d grown up with one.

Irreplaceable is a must see for anyone who wants to fight to preserve not just our families but our society. As we fight for marriage in this country, we must not forget about the unique roles a mom and dad play. A tagline for Irreplaceable says, “When the family is weakened, society suffers. But strong families make the world a better place.”

For more information on the one-day showing of Irreplaceable on May 6 and to find it in a theater near you, visit