Iranian Woman to be Stoned May be Hanged

By November 4, 2010Blog, Defense of Family

Iran may execute Sakineh Ashtiani by hanging, a human rights group warns. Sakineh’s original sentence of stoning to death for what appears to be a trumped up charge of adultery drew international outcries.

The International Committee Against Stoning reports that her sentence was to be carried out on November 3. Officials in Iran have not confirmed the report.

Concerned Women for America joined the chorus condemning the barbaric sentence. Iranian officials suspended her sentence when international leaders took up Sakineh’s case, calling Iran’s action “medieval” and “brutal”. Even Brazil, an ally of Iran, offered asylum to her.

Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed Western media concocted Sakineh’s case. Two German men were arrested in Iran last month for attempting to interview Sakineh’s son.

Please pray for Sakineh and other unknown victims of Iran’s harsh imposition of Sharia law.

For background information on Sakineh and her story, click here to see my article in Human Events.