In Front of my Enemies

By September 20, 2013North Dakota

“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.”

Psalm 23:5

Do you live among enemies? If you seek a peaceful life without enemies, you might fear that you are not the friend of God.

Why would God have a table in the presence of my enemies? It is because Jesus treats His enemies justly. God “makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” God “is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.” Therefore, we too should be merciful, “just as your Father is merciful.” Matthew 5:45b; Luke 6:35-36.

As Christians we are to live among our enemies. Jesus and the disciples knew their enemies. In fact, the Lord told the disciples to “love your enemies, hoping for nothing in return.” Matthew 5:43-48. To love others means that rather than choosing to “keep my religion to myself”, I make choices to be kind and merciful through words and deed. As an ambassador to this generation, my Christian life becomes much more than finding cozy fellowship in a place of worship.

The unequipped and powerless believer focuses on the enemy and lives a fruitless life. In contrast, well-equipped Christians enjoy the table prepared for their refreshment. We who choose to serve a living God present God’s message of mercy while focusing on the smorgasbord of blessings given by the Creator of all good things.

This is the reason I joined Concerned Women for America! CWA challenges and equips me to live God’s way in our culture. By joining the nation’s largest public policy woman’s organization, I support an organization that carries Biblical principles into all levels of public policy. Importantly, membership provides financial support for CWA leaders committed to conservative causes.

Read Mario Diaz Esq.’s on-line article, “Beware of Rob Bell“, and you will be challenged! He warns, “Be wary of those trying to adapt the Word of God to “current times.” We want to apply God’s principles to modern culture, sure, but we must never change them to satisfy the culture’s fleeting appetites. Molding Truth to fit personal desire is the essence of the false teacher.” Diaz leads CWA’s Legal Studies Department.

Social issues are also addressed clearly on CWA’s website. Diaz’s American Thinker article, “Can’t NY Do Better?” is posted.

Please join CWA, become informed and involved. Come to the table God has prepared, become equipped to bring love and mercy to our enemies. Click here to find out more about CWA.