Important Common Core Education Hearing at Ohio State House on November 20

By November 14, 2013Ohio

Did you know that while the nation’s attention was directed on the passing of ObamaCare and the federal power grab of our healthcare system, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was quietly working to seize control of the American education system? As a part of President Obama’s stimulus package, Race to the Top grant money was earmarked for education initiatives in the states. Tied to this money was the Common Core State Standards Initiative.

And did you know that in 2010 the Ohio Department of Education applied for and received the Race to the Top grant? By taking the $400 million grant Ohio is now shackled to untested and unpiloted Common Core standards.

If you wish to preserve local control of education and testing, and you reject the Common Core initiative, Concerned Women for America highly recommends that you attend a critical education hearing at the Ohio State House on Wednesday, November 20, 2013.

Concerned Women for America believes it is time to inform, educate, and take action on the federal power grab of our schools. It is time to educate ourselves on the threat Common Core places on the American education system and the harm it imposes on our children’s future.

For event details, click here to download the flyer.

Click here to learn more about the Common Core.