If You Are Pro-Life, Memorize These 10 Simple Facts

You can use this chart as a guide to talking to uncertain or pro-choice friends curious about why you are pro-life and to motivate the passively pro-life towards further action. Facts 1-3 are about abortion in America. Facts 4 and 5 are about the corruption of the abortion industry. Facts 6 and 7 are about how abortion affects women. And facts 8-10 are about the humanity of the unborn.

1. Abortions in the United States Each Year About 1 million per year.1 Roughly 2,700 per day.
2. Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood $528 million2
3. Ratio of Community Health Clinics to Planned Parenthood Clinics 20 to 13
4. Planned Parenthood Abortions Each Year About 327,000.4 Almost 900 per day. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider5 and is riddled with scandal.6
5. Racism and Abortion The largest killer of African-Americans is abortion.7 Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a racist.8
6. Post-Abortive Women by Age 45 About 1 in 3 women. (22% of pregnancies in the U.S. end in abortion.9)
7. Abortion has Health Risks Abortion increases breast cancer risks,10 other health risks,11 and leads to serious emotional consequences.12 Also, “421 women have died as a result of legal abortion.”13
8. The Unborn is Human The child’s size, level of development, environment, or degree of dependency can’t change their fundamental being.14 Infants are also small, undeveloped, and just as dependent on their mothers.
9. The Baby’s Heartbeat The child’s heart beats at 21 days.15 It is audible at 8-10 weeks gestation.16
10. Fetal Development Almost 54% of abortions occur from 7-12 weeks17 when a baby already has a developing nose, mouth, ears, intestines, brain waves, touch response, hiccups, and more.18




8) http://www.dianedew.com/sanger.htm and https://concernedwomen.org/the-negro-project-margaret-sangers-eugenic-plan-for-black-americans/

10) http://www.abortionbreastcancer.com/index/

14) http://prolifetraining.com/resources/five-bad-ways/