“House of Horrors” Abortionist Charged with Multiple Murders

By January 21, 2011Sanctity of Life

The gruesome murders charged to a Philadelphia abortionist of seven babies and a 41-year-old mother is the tip of the iceberg. Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams said hundreds of others likely died in the filthy clinic that Kermit Gosnell ran for thirty years.

Federal and state agents found jars of aborted babies’ feet lining shelves, and bags of aborted babies in a refrigerator with employees’ lunches, in addition to blood on the floor, cat feces on the stairs, broken equipment, and blood-stained blankets covering semi-conscious women.

The grand jury entered the abortion mill in hazmat suits.

Gosnell delivered live babies who were six, seven, and eight months old, then stabbed their necks with scissors and cut their spinal cords. One of the murder charges is for a 30-week-old baby weighing just six pounds. The mother was 17 years old. Gosnell reportedly joked, this baby “could walk me to the bus stop.”

Gosnell took advantage of minorities, immigrants, and poor women, and he made millions of dollars committing illegal and late-term abortions in squalid and barbaric conditions, prosecutors said. At least 46 lawsuits had been filed against him. A number involved Gosnell puncturing uteruses, then sewing up the women without telling them of the injury.

He also infected women with venereal diseases from unsterilized equipment.

State regulators ignored complaints about Gosnell going back to 1996, and they have failed to visit or inspect his clinic since 1993.

“The inaction of public agencies is exposed,” said DA Seth Williams. “There’s more oversight for women’s hair salons than for abortion clinics in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

Kermit Gosnell did not act alone as he slaughtered babies and butchered women. Eight others, including his wife, have been charged. The state authorities who turned a blind eye have yet to be held accountable.

Women faced this house of horrors because the powerful abortion lobby — and their friends in government — placed abortion above human rights.

Abortionist Douglas Laube, chairman of Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health, told AP regarding his fellow abortionists, “Practitioners are under tremendous pressure and scrutiny. … Intuitively [i.e. without substantiation] I’d say they’re operating as squeaky clean as they can.”

“It’s hard to tell the extent of egregious offenders because the abortion industry is almost completely unregulated,” said Dr. Donna Harrison, president of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

“If a doctor in a hospital did a hysterectomy and had a patient with a complication, he would have to go back and explain why to his colleagues,” Harrison said. “With abortion, the doctor has nobody to face — they basically just slide through the accountability process with nobody to hold their feet to the fire.”

This is a wake-up call that goes beyond Philadelphia.

How many abortionists like this may there be in your state? Are the department of health or other responsible agencies inspecting abortion mills? Are emergency room doctors reporting when numerous patients are sent from the same abortionist or mill?

Legislators need to enforce oversight of abortion mills and the government agencies tasked with patients’ safety. When was the last time each abortion mill was inspected? How often? What violations were found? How were they penalized? What laws are lacking in your state?

Abortion will never be safe. Yet abortion lobbyists argue against laws that reduce the damage to women by claiming it will burden the abortionists with increased costs. Dr. Gosnell reveals what happens when abortionists police themselves.