Heritage Foundation and Concerned Women for America Unite to Reach Young Women

Heritage and CWA presidents announce collaboration effort to grow Young Women for America

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James and Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny Young Nance announced today that the two organizations have launched a combined effort to energize young women to advocate for fundamental American principles—freedom, faith, and strong families and communities—on college campuses across America.

Concerned Women for America began Young Women for America in 2011 in response to a growing need to invest in young women leaders on campus. Young Women for America has grown to 36 chapters across the nation, but the leaders of Concerned Women for America and Heritage don’t think it is enough. The two organizations have joined together to serve as a force multiplier for the conservative movement to reach even more young women.

“We are at a pivotal point in our nation’s history and for the future of freedom in America. The Heritage Foundation has the intellectual firepower and resources for training and developing this new generation of young women,” said James. “Working together, Heritage and Concerned Women for America will empower and activate thousands of women to do the hard but necessary work of keeping our republic.”

recent survey by Gallup found that 52% of young adults have a favorable view of socialism compared to 47% who have a favorable view of capitalism. This alarming trend is being played out on the national stage with the rise of political leaders who espouse socialist policies. This follows the last 40 or more years during which billions of dollars have been poured into women’s studies programs on campuses.

“The Heritage Foundation is the nation’s premier conservative research and educational institution,” said Nance. “Concerned Women for America is humbled and grateful for the support from Heritage under the leadership of Kay James. With the incredible support of this great institution, our current and future Young Women for America chapters and women will gain invaluable exposure to your scholars and resources that will equip them to be better informed and engaged citizens and leaders throughout their lives. Thank you, Heritage Foundation, for your incredible collaborative support.”

The partnership will help Concerned Women for America expand its reach to bring young women from around the country to Washington, D.C., to give them access to mentors, elected officials, and learn the true history of our great nation. Creating a more robust presence of Young Women for America leaders on America’s campuses will answer the careful and patient cultivation and indoctrination by the political and institutional Left which allows no dissent from radical dogma such as intersectionality.

Young Women for America leaders not only engage in rich and meaningful discussions with fellow students, hold outreach events, and invite top thinkers to campus, but also volunteer in their local communities, hold fundraisers, and build deep friendships.

Click here to learn more about Young Women for America and locate a campus chapter to get involved.
