Helpful Florida Election Tools

By October 7, 2010Florida

Voter’s Guide from Christian Coalition of Florida can be found at

Florida Division of Elections

The mission of this office is to provide statewide coordination and direction for the interpretation and enforcement of election laws, as required by the Florida Statutes, and to provide supervision to the Bureaus in the division.

Florida Voting information

Bipartisan Web sites with information on candidates, voting records, issues, etc.

Project Vote Smart

On the Issues

Resources for Pastors and Churches

Political Guidelines for Churches and Pastors from Concerned Women for America

Pastors, Pulpits and Politics- A Case for Clear Biblical and Moral Teaching from Western Center for Law & Policy

“Constitutional Protections for Pastors: Your Freedom to Speak Biblical Truth on the Moral Issues of the Day” from a coalition of pro-family groups

Additional resources

What’s Your Vote Worth? by Concerned Women for America

“Voter’s Guide for the Serious Christian” from Western Center for Law & Policy

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email us at – or by phone 407-697-5929.

(NOTE: Referrals to websites not created by CWA are for informational purposes, and do not necessarily imply an endorsement by CWA of the contents of those sites.)