Help Get Urgent Message to Your Candidates! Deadline Approaching!

By September 17, 2013Virginia

Dear Friend of CWA,

The 2013 November general election is quickly approaching! Would you like to know how candidates in YOUR legislative district would vote on sanctity of life, traditional marriage, education, free markets, voter identification and more? Would you be willing to reach out to your candidates by e-mail to ask them to fill out a voter guide survey by September 20 that will be widely distributed to voters across the state?

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) is partnering with other conservative organizations such as American Family Association Action to provide you a very powerful tool available in the upcoming general election–a voter guide that will give voters access to an abundance of information-to equip voters to cast an informed vote in all contested state legislative and statewide races.

One element of this voter guide is a candidate survey. Click here to view the list of candidates who have not yet completed the survey. Please contact those running for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and your Delegate if he/she is on the list. Click here to find out what district you are in. Candidates who have notified us that they do not wish to participate in the survey are not included. Contact information for statewide candidates can be accessed here and contact information for House of Delegates candidates is located here. Also below is a suggested e-mail you can send them-note their deadline is midnight on September 20. Your e-mails to these candidates are needed as soon as possible to ensure they complete the survey in time.

“An informed patriotism is what we want.” President Ronald Reagan

Thank you in advance for your participation.


Penny Nance
CEO and President

  • Dear Candidate,

We in our household depend heavily upon information from Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) for help in evaluating candidates in every election. You should have received an e-mail referring to Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, AFA Action and Heritage Alliance inviting you to take a candidate survey for a voter guide. It is our understanding that you have not yet completed the survey, and we would appreciate your taking the time to complete it by midnight on September 20, 2013. The website is You can e-mail with your state in the subject line if you cannot find the invitation e-mail and login instructions you were sent.

This year, CWA Legislative Action Committee is working on producing and distributing the voter guide with the groups mentioned above. I believe completing the survey will not only help us but also be of benefit to you because CWA Legislative Action Committee, working in conjunction with these other groups, will be disseminating the voter guide across the state.

Thank you for your attention to this.
