H.B. 630- Homosexual Civil Rights Bill Stalls

By February 28, 2012Defense of Family, Georgia

Bill Update:

H.B. 630 was heard in Subcommittee II of the House Judiciary Committee this afternoon. Committee chairman Rep. Mike Jacobs (R-Atlanta) did not take a vote on the bill; therefore, the bill remains in the subcommittee.

CWA of Georgia will keep you informed of any movement on this bill.

Thank you for making phone calls in opposition to the bill. You made a difference!

H.B. 630 seeks to change the Georgia non-discrimination code for public employees to include civil right status and special protections for “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Georgia strongly opposes the government granting special protected “minority” status to those who define themselves by aberrant sexual preferences and changeable sexual behavior.