Girls’ Sports Bill to Be Heard in Committee on Tuesday!

By August 21, 2021Texas

Senate Bill 2 (Sen. Charles Perry – R. District 28), the girls’ sports bill, is scheduled for a public hearing in the House Public Education Committee this Tuesday, August 24, at 10:30 a.m. (or upon final adjournment of the House) in the Capitol Auditorium, E1.004. Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Texas has been advocating for restricting athletes who play in girls’ sports to be biological females only. We will be in Austin, representing your voice during the hearing.

We recently interviewed a young basketball athlete and her mother about the impact of biological males getting to play in girls’ sports. You can watch the videos here. Download the CWA Fact Sheet here.

Take Action!

#1. Contact the members of the Public Education Committee and urge them to vote YES on SB 2. If you are a member of CWA Texas, be sure to let them know.

#2. Contact your state representative and tell them to vote FOR SB 2 when it reaches the House floor! Click here to learn who represents you in the Texas House.

#3. Forward this information to those in your circle of influence who could help us protect our girls’ sports.

Please pray!

  1. Pray for the legislators who are working on this issue that they may have clarity on the issue and the courage to act wisely.
  2. Pray for those impacted by the girls’ sports issue that they will come to Austin to testify in favor of the bill.

“For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.”  II Timothy 1:7

Ann Hettinger
State Director