Georgia: Voter Alert – “But It Is For the Children”

By July 16, 2012Georgia

Georgia voters head to the polls on July 31, 2012, to vote in the Georgia Primary Election. Early/advanced voting begins July 9 and runs through July 27. You can view the sample ballots for your county by going to the My Voter Page web site.

In addition to voting for candidates and county-specific referendums, voters will be asked to cast their opinions on several non-binding questions. In particular, the Republican ballot is requesting an opinion on the following question:

Should Georgia have casino gambling with funds going to education?

The purpose of non-binding questions is to gauge the voter’s attitude toward a particular issue. CWA of Georgia urges you to vote NO to this question, and send a clear message that Georgians do not need nor want the scourge of casino gambling in our state. While the tallied results might be non-binding, rest assured that a “yes” vote will be used to pressure the Georgia General Assembly into supporting the push for expanded gambling in Georgia.

Do not be deceived by the question. Promoters of state sponsored gambling love to tug at the hearts of adults by touting “it is for the children.” Supporters want to entice you into thinking that gambling will ease the economic burden of cash-strapped school districts. They paint gambling as an innocent solution for bad economic times. Sadly, what they fail to tell is the devastating price paid by families, children and businesses.

I hope you exercise your right as an American by voting in the Georgia Primary, and please be sure to vote NO to gambling.