Gender and Sexuality Issues and Critical Race Theory Conference

By June 5, 2022Missouri

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri invites you to the Gender and Sexuality Issues and Critical Race Theory Conference Saturday, July 16, in Nevada, Missouri. These are two issues hitting the Christian community hard. This event will provide a Biblical worldview approach to these issues. Men, women, and teens are invited to attend.


The goal of this conference is to equip parents and concerned citizens with the necessary information to make informed choices. Parents are alarmed at the organized plan sweeping across Missouri and the nation to indoctrinate children on these issues. Please attend to be equipped with the facts and to find out what you can do to protect the children in your district.


Gender and Sexuality Issues
Alan Branch, Ph.D., Professor of Christian Ethics at Midwestern Seminary, will speak on Gender and Sexuality Issues. As Christians, we celebrate the beauty of God’s creative design for manhood and womanhood. However, we are witnessing moral anarchy as Western nations abandon all semblance of Biblical authority by embracing the transgender identity. An untold number of boys and girls are being harmed. Most significantly, God is not honored or obeyed. Dr. Branch will discuss how to train our children to thrive in a sexually confused society; and how to respond biblically to the sexual chaos in our culture. Dr. Branch is the author of Born This Way? and Affirming God’s Image: Addressing the Transgender Question with Science and Scripture.


Critical Race Theory
Mary Bryne, Ed.D. will make her presentation, “Critical Race Theory Exposed.” Dr. Byrne’s presentation explains how current events, most notably the recent violence ignited by claims of systemic racism, are grounded in critical race theory; and how critical race theory is grounded in Karl Marx’s writing instructing followers how to start a revolution in a nation. Her presentation will reveal how almost two centuries of Marxism have infiltrated the U.S. government, the law, churches, the military, and education. She will explain how there is a current concerted effort to indoctrinate Missouri school children by instilling the Critical Race Theory curriculum into the public school system.


Dr. Byrne is a national speaker and co-founding member of Missouri Coalition Against Common Core. She has an M.A. in special education and an M.Ed. in curriculum and instructional design, as well as a doctorate in special education from Teachers College at Columbia University.


The Work and Ministry of CWA of Missouri
Bev Ehlen, Missouri State Director for Concerned Women for America, will speak on the work and ministry of CWA of Missouri and update attendees on the 2022  Missouri Legislative session, that concluded in May.

Date: Saturday, July 16
Time: 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Enchanted Prairie Farm, 17557 East Stockade Road, Nevada, Missouri.
RSVP: The event is free, but registration is required. To register, please call Edith McReynolds at 918.527.7604.
Contact: For additional information, call Bev Ehlen at 314.608.0168.


Conference Schedule
1:00 p.m. Welcome and Opening Prayer
1:10 p.m. Dr. Alan Branch: Gender and Sexuality Issues
2:00 p.m. Questions and Answers with Dr. Branch
2:30 p.m. Break
3:00 p.m. Dr. Mary Byrne: Critical Race Theory 
4:00 p.m. Questions and Answers with Dr. Byrne
4:30 p.m. CWA of Missouri State Director Bev Ehlen: An Introduction to CWA of Missouri