First-Ever King & Spalding

pynance-sm.jpgDear Friends,

We are excited to announce the King & Spalding “Cave”man Award!

King & Spalding is the firm that, after accepting the offer to represent the House of Representatives in defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in court, crumbled under the pressure from homosexual activists and dumped the representation and one of its most prestigious partners, Paul Clement. Such an unprofessional act of cowardice deserves to be immortalized, and we do so today with this award.

We will give the award whenever some public figure excels in the art of failing to do the right thing under pressure.


The first-ever award in our series, of course, must go to King & Spalding’s chairman, Robert D. Hays, Jr., who said in a statement that he was responsible for the debacle that will define his firm for time immemorial. He said, “In reviewing this assignment further, I determined the process used for vetting this engagement was inadequate.”

Yes, the firm which boldly defended Guantanamo Bay detainees apparently finds it inconceivable to defend the American people and federal law. They had no problem treating pro-lifers as mobsters, as they argued in Scheidler v. National Organization of Women, but to defend the traditional definition of marriage is apparently beyond the pale. Their “process” for that “was inadequate”!

So, for failing to stand for professionalism, principle, the rule of law, ethical behavior, one of their own, and the American people, we hereby present the May 3, 2011 King & Spalding “Cave”man Award to:

Robert D. Hays, Jr.