“Fetal Anomalies” to Blame for Fatal Abortion

By February 11, 2013Blog, Sanctity of Life
Of the three people involved in the botched abortion procedure, abortionist LeRoy Carhart is the only one who survived.

The scourge of abortion has added two more names to its long list of victims.Jennifer Leigh Morbelli, 29, was a kindergarten teacher from White Plains, New York, and the expectant mother of a baby girl. Sadly, she chose to end her 33-week-old pregnancy at Carhart Clinic, a late-term abortion facility responsible for the 2005 botched abortion death of Christen Gilbert.The tragic deaths of Morbelli and her unborn child were avoidable and senseless.  Operation Rescue is reporting that Morbelli chose to undergo the extremely dangerous and barbaric third trimester abortion after learning her child had “fetal anomalies.” Once again, doctors used the scaremongering rhetoric of “fetal anomalies,” which oftentimes means the baby has Down syndrome, a Cleft lip, or another disability, to drive a woman to abort.  For Morbelli, the decision cost her and her baby their lives.

These scare tactics are all too common among medical personnel and abortionists, as 85-90 percent of women in America who receive prenatal diagnoses of Down syndrome abort their unborn babies. Instead of scaring women into dangerous abortions, doctors should explain the fulfilling life and joy parents of children with disabilities enjoy every day with the right resources and support. For this very reason, Concerned Women for America created www.DownSyndromeBrochure.com to offer help and hope for parents who, understandably, feel afraid and overwhelmed upon hearing their child’s diagnosis.

America must not lose one more unborn life, wife, mother, or daughter because of the ignorance surrounding disability.