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February 1 – Special Meeting for All Tennesseans – In-Person or Via Zoom

By January 25, 2023Tennessee
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Does the news depress you? Do you keep listening, hoping for some good news? I know I do! But what does God say? And how does He want us to respond to the news?

Mario Diaz, Esq.On Wednesday, February 1, Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) Johnson City Prayer/Action Chapter is hosting a special meeting open to all Tennesseans to help answer those questions. CWA’s Legal Counsel, Mario Diaz, Esq., will be our special guest, joining us via Zoom. He will teach us how to process the news and pray in the light of the scriptures. He will guide us on how to direct our emotions, take targeted action, and be at rest knowing that our God is doing something! If there is ever a day when we need this teaching, it is now.  

I hope you will be able to attend in person or via Zoom. You will be encouraged!

Here are the details:

Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Time: 11:00 a.m. EST (please plan to arrive by 10:45 a.m.)
In-Person Location Option: Johnson City. The location of the meeting will be provided upon receipt of your RSVP. RSVP me at  or 413-218-3987.
RSVP Deadline: Friday, January 29.
Remote Option: Zoom. Register in advance if interested. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Make plans now to attend, and be sure to invite some friends!

In His service,
Sally Imhoff
Johnson City Prayer/Action Chapter Leader
Concerned Women for America