Employment Levels in the War on Women

By July 27, 2012Blog

America is in the midst of an unemployment crisis, and women are bearing the brunt of the problem.  The number of women out of work is the highest it has been in 25 years.  On top of this, employment levels for women are down 2.9% since the beginning of the recession.

Many women are finding it increasingly difficult to find work, with one study revealing that the actual number of women employed in the United States in May 2012 was about 83,000 lower than it was in January 2009.

While women have made huge strides in joining the workforce over the past several decades, the recession of the past four years is threatening to erode those gains.

Please share this infographic if you believe that we need to implement pro-growth economic policies that help create good paying jobs for American women! (For a full size version of this infographic, click here, or click the graphic above.)