Ellisville, MO Event: Save Our Children with Alex Newman, Tuesday, January 31

By January 23, 2023Missouri

“Save Our Children” Presentation
With Award Winning Journalist Alex Newman

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri’s St. Louis Prayer/Action Chapter invites you to hear Alex Newman speak on why we need to “Save Our Children” who are in the public school system. Men, women, and teens are welcome to attend.

Alex Newman will expose the insanity that has taken over the public school system. From the age-inappropriate materials foisted on our children, the reshaping of the values taught them and honored by their parents and grandparents, to the complete abandonment of a true education, Mr. Newman shows how dangerous this threat is: to our children, our faith, our family, and our freedoms.

Call to Action

More importantly, Alex Newman will share what you, and every Missourian, can do about it!

If you are concerned about what is happening (and not happening) in our public schools, and even some private schools today, you will not want to miss Alex Newman and his presentation “Save Our Children!”


When: Tuesday, January 31
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Location: The Pillar Foundation, 15820 Clayton Road, Ellisville, MO 63011
Contact: For additional information, contact me at 314-608-0168 or  director@missouri.cwfa.org

About Alex Newman

Mr. Newman is an award-winning journalist, author, educator, and consultant. He is the co-author of Crimes of the Educators, is currently the senior editor of The New American magazine, and author of the 2019 article “Rescuing Our Children.”

I look forward to seeing each of you.

Bev Ehlen
State Director