Ellisville: How Schools are Putting Children at Risk – Saturday, March 11

By March 5, 2023Missouri

How Schools Are Putting Children at Risk

With Glen Becker

The Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri St. Louis Prayer/Action Chapter invites you to their Saturday, March 11 meeting in Ellisville.

Glen Becker is a parent with 15 years of professional cyber security experience. Becker will present “How Schools Are Putting Children at Risk by not Protecting Their Information.”


When: Saturday, March 11
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Location: The Pillar Foundation, 15820 Clayton Road, Ellisville, MO 63011
Contact: For additional information, contact Stephanie Rubach Marshall at 314-717-2694 or  cwaofmostl@yahoo.com.  

Men, women, and teens are welcome to attend.

About the presentation:

Glen Becker’s presentation will include an interactive discussion covering school policies that place families at risk by not protecting personal information. Learn what to look out for in school policies, know your rights as parents, understand what the school is collecting and the risk to which your kids are being exposed. Becker will also present how child predators access this data, why child sex trafficking is growing because of school applications, the reasons why schools distribute parent/student data for individual gain, and which companies data mine your information.