Disaster Relief for Haiti

The watchwords of Concerned Women for America (CWA) are “prayer and action.” CWA members and friends are praying for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti and encourage you to join us! To take action to help provide relief, CWA encourages you to check your denomination’s relief efforts and to consider non-denominational relief projects, including among many others,

The Salvation Army, http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/www_usn_2.nsf, and also blogging with additional information and details, http://blog.salvationarmyusa.org/

Gleaning for the World, http://gftw.org

Samaritan’s Purse, http://www.samaritanspurse.org/

CWA in The Washington Times!
The Washington Times published an opinion/editorial by Concerned Women for America (CWA) Chief Executive Officer Penny Young Nance on Monday, January 25, 2010. Click here to read it.

In her editorial, Nance refers to legislation that could, if passed, extend federal tax incentives for adoption. This important measure would help adoptive parents better handle the costs of adopting. In the Senate, the bill is S. 2816 by Senator Jim Bunning (R-Kentucky) and in the House, H.R. 213 by Rep. Joe Wilson (R-South Carolina). The bill would extend tax credits of up to $10,000 for parents who adopt. Congress passed the tax credits in 2001; they will expire unless Congress extends them.

For more information, please click here for Adoption Tax Credit Talking Points by CWA’s Legislation Department. See also a coalition letter signed by CWA and several others by clicking here.

Adoption Agencies:
Bethany Christian Services

Liberty Godparent Foundation

National Council for Adoption