Did CWA of North Dakota Blow the Whistle on Abortion Supporting Businesses in Fargo?

By June 27, 2013North Dakota

In response to numerous e-mails in regards to the article we published last week, North Dakota Abortion Providers Hold “Fundraiser” Supported By Local Businesses, CWA of North Dakota wanted to follow up with information to help clarify from where the information published came. In the article, we listed several businesses supporting the abortion fundraiser held in downtown Fargo. The businesses that donated to this event were listed on the Red River Women’s Clinic (RRWC) Facebook page. Here is the link to that page: https://www.facebook.com/events/205181932939593/permalink/208182069306246/

One business is mentioned in the “Comment” segment only.

The response to this “turning the lights on” article has been enormous, as it is truly upsetting for many of us to see the names of some of these businesses on a list of donors to support abortion. In response to the public, some of them deny their support for the abortion industry. If this is correct, then CWA suggests these businesses contact the RRWC to make sure they remove their company’s name from their list of donors. Or some business owners may need to speak with their staff and/or managers to ascertain from where the support came.

No one would be happier than CWA to see fewer businesses supporting abortion in North Dakota.