Dear CWA of Tennessee Members

By March 6, 2013Tennessee


I am Brenda Causey, the new State Director for Concerned Women for America of Tennessee. A few years ago, I looked up from my mountain of laundry and saw a country I did not recognize. I prayed and asked God what I could do, as a wife and stay-at-home mom of six, to help make things better. I heard the complaints of others around me about how bad our leaders and politicians were. And looking at many examples, I could understand their frustration. I examined how things in our country had degraded into such chaos. I read a lot of books, did a lot of research, but I found one particular story that summed it all up.

There was a woman standing outside in the hall where they were signing the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Franklin stepped out of the room, and the woman asked him, “So, what have you given us, a Democracy or a Republic?” And he answered, “A Republic, madam, if you can keep it.” If you can keep it. That is our responsibility. Can we keep it?

I did not feel that traditional politics was where I needed to be, so I looked around for an organization that was standing up for Biblical family values and engaged in policy issues. One day, I read an article from the CWA website. I saw that they had Prayer/Action Chapters and thought, “I can’t do much, but I can at least have a meeting with some friends once a month.” I started having meetings and realized there was a need for a State Director in Tennessee. After much prayer and counseling with my family, I volunteered for the position. Since then, God has opened doors over and over again.

On February 21, I was presented to the Tennessee State Legislature as the new State Director of CWA of Tennessee. This coming Sunday, I will be speaking at a Rally at the State Capitol representing you. We are planning a Legislative Day on March 13. And on May 2, I will be participating in the National Day of Prayer at the State Capitol at 9:00 a.m. These opportunities have opened up by God’s providential leading, for which I am extremely grateful.

Please join us this Sunday at 1:00 p.m. at Legislative Plaza for the Rally Against the ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion. There are going to be some outstanding speakers. Look for our table and be sure to introduce yourself as a fellow CWA member. I would love to meet you! You may be interested in getting more involved with CWA; I can talk to you about attending or starting a new Prayer/Action Chapter, or if you just want to help educate your friends, without having a meeting, being a Home Team Captain might work better for you.

Hope to see you at one of the upcoming events!


State Director
CWA of Tennessee