Day 19 – Prayer in Unsteadiness

By April 18, 2020Blog, Covid-19

Gracious God,

Today, in the unsteadiness of our world,
All we can control is how our own heart reacts and responds
To what surrounds us. And that “control” comes from recognizing
That we can do all things through You, and only through You, who strengthens us.

In the darkness, You are our light.
In our need, You are the supply.
In our weakness, You are our strength.
When we seek wisdom, You are our Counselor.
When we thirst, You supply living water.

Your grace is sufficient.
Your presence is our refuge.
Your face alone do we seek.

You are our Father, our Shepherd,
Or Comforter, our Provider,
Our Prince of Peace,
Our Deliverer, and so much more.

If You are for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)

In these days where there is so much we don’t know,
Help our lives to reflect what we do know –
You are Lord of All! Our prayer is that others will see
The light of Jesus shining brightly through what we say and
How we respond, even as we are putting our hope in You!

May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts
Be pleasing to You, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer.

In the name of Jesus we pray,


This prayer was submitted by CWA Regional Director of External Relations Melodie Tunney. Click here for more prayers from our “30 Days of Prayer in the Midst of Covid-19” effort. Here for more coronavirus-related resources.