CWA’s Nance Responds to GOProud Letter

Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America, in response to the GOProud letter to the Republican majority:

“Social issues should be at the very top of the list of priorities for the new Congress, along with sensible fiscal policies. Americans voted overwhelmingly for both social and fiscal conservatives, and it would be unwise to throw social policies to the wayside and snub the voters who sent a strong message to the new Congress that they want both pro-life and fiscally conservative policies. In our post-election poll, when asked to name the biggest issue facing future generations, 62 percent of voters said it is the moral decline of our nation.

“Concerned Women for America sent a memo to Republican leaders last week outlining three specific priorities the new Congress must address in the wake of the first pro-life majority since Roe v. Wade. I’d like to know which one — support for the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, eliminating taxpayer dollars from funding embryonic stem cell research, or defunding Planned Parenthood — the signers of the GOProud letter have a problem with.

“There was a net 52-seat pro-life gain in the House of Representatives, an unprecedented statement that voters reject taxpayer-funded abortion and want a more conservative, pro-life legislature moving forward. Now is not the time for Republicans to back away from their own party’s foundational social issues.”

To speak with Penny Nance, please contact Kristina Hernandez at 908-902-8473 or