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Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee identified a series of key Congressional votes for the First Session of the 118th Congress reflecting positions on CWA’s core issues and the values of the hundreds of thousands of citizens we represent across the country. This scorecard serves as a measure of a member’s stance on critical national issues including the sanctity of life, religious freedom, election integrity, protections for women, education, illegal drug regulation, and support for Israel. The final cumulative scores provide a clear metric for voters to evaluate their elected officials.

See where your Members of Congress stand on critical issues facing our families, our culture, our freedoms, and our democracy after the first year of the 118th Congress. Click your state below for a list of U.S. House and U.S. Senate members in your state and their overall CWALAC percentage scores from 0 (worst) to 100 (best).

For information on the legislative actions scored, the reason CWALAC scored the vote, and the official roll call of yeas and nays, please click HERE for the House and HERE for the Senate.

Unsure who represents you in the U.S. Congress? Check out

Click here to download a PDF version of the scorecard.


Sen. Katie Britt (Republican)
Sen. Tommy Tuberville (Republican)
Rep. Jerry L. Carl (Republican-D1)
Rep. Barry Moore (Republican-D2)
Rep. Michael D. Rogers (Republican-D3)
Rep. Robert B. Aderholt (Republican-D4)
Rep. Dale Strong (Republican-D5)
Rep. Gary J. Palmer (Republican-D6)
Rep. Terrycina A. Sewell (Democrat-D7)

Score: 83
Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 27


Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Republican)
Sen. Daniel S. Sullivan (Republican)
Rep. Mary Peltola (Democrat-D1)

Score: 86
Score: 37


Sen. Mark Kelly (Democrat)
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (Independent)
Rep. David Schweikert (Republican-D1)
Rep. Eli Crane (Republican-D2)
Rep. Ruben M. Gallego (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Greg Stanton (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Andy Biggs (Republican-D5)
Rep. Juan Ciscomani (Republican-D6)
Rep. Raul M. Grijalva (Democrat-D7)
Rep. Debbie Lesko (Republican-D8)
Rep. Paul Gosar (Republican-D9)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 100
Score: 86
Score: 45
Score: 27
Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 15
Score: 99
Score: 93


Sen. John N. Boozman (Republican)
Sen. Thomas B. Cotton (Republican)
Rep. Eric A. Crawford (Republican-D1)
Rep. James French Hill (Republican-D2)
Rep. Stephen A. Womack (Republican-D3)
Rep. Bruce E. Westerman (Republican-D4)

Score: 86
Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100


Sen. Laphonza R. Butler (Democrat)
Sen. Alex Padilla (Democrat)
Rep. Douglas L. LaMalfa (Republican-D1)
Rep. Jared Huffman (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Kevin Kiley (Republican-D3)
Rep. Charles M. Thompson (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Thomas M. McClintock (Republican-D5)
Rep. Amerish B. Bera (Democrat-D6)
Rep. Doris O. Matsui (Democrat-D7)
Rep. John Garamendi (Democrat-D8)
Rep. Josh Harder (Democrat-D9)
Rep. Mark J. DeSaulnier (Democrat-D10)
Rep. Nancy P. Pelosi (Democrat-D11)
Rep. Barbara Lee (Democrat-D12)
Rep. John Duarte (Republican-D13)
Rep. Eric M. Swalwell (Democrat-D14)
Rep. Kevin Mullin (Democrat-D15)
Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (Democrat-D16)
Rep. Rohit Khanna (Democrat-D17)
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (Democrat-D18)
Rep. James V. Panetta (Democrat-D19)
Rep. Kevin O. McCarthy (Republican-D20)
Rep. James Manuel Costa (Democrat-D21)
Rep. David Valadao (Republican-D22)
Rep. Jay Obernolte (Republican-D23)
Rep. Salud Carbajal (Democrat-D24)
Rep. Raul Ruiz (Democrat-D25)
Rep. Julia Brownley (Democrat-D26)
Rep. Mike Garcia (Republican-D27)
Rep. Judy M. Chu (Democrat-D28)
Rep. Antonio Cardenas (Democrat-D29)
Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Democrat-D30)
Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (Democrat-D31)
Rep. Bradley J. Sherman (Democrat-D32)
Rep. Peter R. Aguilar (Democrat-D33)
Rep. Jimmy Gomez (Democrat-D34)
Rep. Norma J. Torres (Democrat-D35)
Rep. Ted W. Lieu (Democrat-D36)
Rep. Sydney K. Kamlager-Dove (Democrat-D37)
Rep. Linda T. Sanchez (Democrat-D38)
Rep. Mark A. Takano (Democrat-D39)
Rep. Young Kim (Republican-D40)
Rep. Ken Calvert (Republican-D41)
Rep. Robert Garcia (Democrat-D42)
Rep. Maxine M. Waters (Democrat-D43)
Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragan (Democrat-D44)
Rep. Michelle Steel (Republican-D45)
Rep. Jose Luis Correa (Democrat-D46)
Rep. Katie Porter (Democrat-D47)
Rep. Darrell Issa (Republican-D48)
Rep. Mike Levin (Democrat-D49)
Rep. Scott H. Peters (Democrat-D50)
Rep. Sara Jacobs (Democrat-D51)
Rep. Juan C. Vargas (Democrat-D52)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 99
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 21
Score: 27
Score: 20
Score: 27
Score: 14
Score: 93
Score: 27
Score: 26
Score: 27
Score: 20
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 21
Score: 27
Score: 29
Score: 27
Score: 29
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 10
Score: 29
Score: 26
Score: 27
Score: 21
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 26
Score: 20
Score: 26
Score: 100
Score: 21
Score: 100
Score: 26
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27


Sen. Michael F. Bennet (Democrat)
Sen. John Hickenlooper (Democrat)
Rep. Diana DeGette (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Joe Neguse (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Lauren Boebert (Republican-D3)
Rep. Kenneth R. Buck (Republican-D4)
Rep. Douglas L. Lamborn (Republican-D5)
Rep. Jason Crow (Democrat-D6)
Rep. Brittany Pettersen (Democrat-D7)
Rep. Yadira Caraveo (Democrat-D8)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 92
Score: 78
Score: 100
Score: 29
Score: 27
Score: 21


Sen. Richard Blumenthal (Democrat)
Sen. Christopher S. Murphy (Democrat)
Rep. John B. Larson (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Joseph Courtney (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Jim Himes (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Jahana Hayes (Democrat-D5)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27


Sen. Thomas R. Carper (Democrat)Sen. Christopher A. Coons (Democrat)
Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (Democrat-D1)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 31


Sen. Marco A. Rubio (Republican)
Sen. Richard L. Scott (Republican)
Rep. Matthew Gaetz (Republican-D1)
Rep. Neal P. Dunn (Republican-D2)
Rep. Kat Cammack (Republican-D3)
Rep. Aaron Bean (2-D4)
Rep. John H. Rutherford (Republican-D5)
Rep. Michael Waltz (Republican-D6)
Rep. Cory Mills (Republican-D7)
Rep. Bill Posey (Republican-D8)
Rep. Darren M. Soto (Democrat-D9)
Rep. Maxwell Alejandro Frost (Democrat-D10)
Rep. Daniel A. Webster (Republican-D11)
Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (Republican-D12)
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (Republican-D13)
Rep. Katherine A. Castor (Democrat-D14)
Rep. Laurel Lee (Republican-D15)
Rep. Vernon G. Buchanan (Republican-D16)
Rep. W. Gregory Steube (Republican-D17)
Rep. Scott Franklin (Republican-D18)
Rep. Byron Donalds (Republican-D19)
Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (Democrat-D20)
Rep. Brian Mast (Republican-D21)
Rep. Lois J. Frankel (Democrat-D22)
Rep. Jared Moskowitz (Democrat-D23)
Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (Democrat-D24)
Rep. Deborah Wasserman Schultz (Democrat-D25)
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (Republican-D26)
Rep. Maria Salazar (Republican-D27)
Rep. Carlos Gimenez (Republican-D28)

Score: 83
Score: 75
Score: 93
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 93
Score: 99
Score: 29
Score: 20
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 31
Score: 100
Score: 29
Score: 31
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100


Sen. Jon Ossoff (Democrat)
Sen. Raphael Warnock (Democrat)
Rep. Earl L. Carter (Republican-D1)
Rep. Sanford D. Bishop (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Anderson Drew Ferguson (Republican-D3)
Rep. Hank Johnson (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Nikema Williams (Democrat-D5)
Rep. Rich McCormick (Republican-D6)
Rep. Lucy McBath (Democrat-D7)
Rep. James Austin Scott (Republican-D8)
Rep. Andrew Clyde (Republican-D9)
Rep. Mike Collins (Republican-D10)
Rep. Barry D. Loudermilk (Republican-D11)
Rep. Richard W. Allen (Republican-D12)
Rep. David A. Scott (Democrat-D13)
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Republican-D14)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 14
Score: 26
Score: 99
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 93
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 29
Score: 93


Sen. Mazie K. Hirono (Democrat)
Sen. Brian E. Schatz (Democrat)
Rep. Ed Case (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Jill N. Tokuda (Democrat-D2)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 27
Score: 21


Sen. Michael D. Crapo (Republican)
Sen. James E. Risch (Republican)
Rep. Russell M. Fulcher (Republican-D1)
Rep. Michael K. Simpson (Republican-D2)

Score: 86
Score: 86
Score: 99
Score: 100


Sen. Tammy Duckworth (Democrat)
Sen. Richard J. Durbin (Democrat)
Rep. Jonathan L. Jackson (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Robin L. Kelly (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Delia Ramirez (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Jesús G. Garcia (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Michael Quigley (Democrat-D5)
Rep. Sean Casten (Democrat-D6)
Rep. Daniel K. Davis (Democrat-D7)
Rep. S. Raja Krishnamoorthi (Democrat-D8)
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (Democrat-D9)
Rep. Bradley S. Schneider (Democrat-D10)
Rep. Bill Foster (Democrat-D11)
Rep. Mike Bost (Republican-D12)
Rep. Nikki Budzinski (Democrat-D13)
Rep. Lauren Underwood (Democrat-D14)
Rep. Mary Miller (Republican-D15)
Rep. Darin M. LaHood (Republican-D16)
Rep. Eric Sorensen (Democrat-D17)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 13
Score: 27
Score: 0
Score: 14
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 26
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 26
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 27


Sen. Todd C. Young (Republican)
Sen. Michael K. Braun (Republican)
Rep. Frank Mrvan (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Rudy Yakym (Republican-D2)
Rep. James E. Banks (Republican-D3)
Rep. James Baird (Republican-D4)
Rep. Victoria Spartz (Republican-D5)
Rep. Greg Pence (Republican-D6)
Rep. André D. Carson (Democrat-D7)
Rep. Larry D. Bucshon (Republican-D8)
Rep. Erin Houchin (Republican-D9)

Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 99
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 13
Score: 100
Score: 100


Sen. Joni K. Ernst (Republican)
Sen. Charles E. Grassley (Republican)
Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (Republican-D1)
Rep. Ashley Hinson (Republican-D2)
Rep. Zach Nunn (Republican-D3)
Rep. Randy Feenstra (Republican-D4)

Score: 83
Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 100


Sen. Roger W. Marshall (Republican)
Sen. Gerald W. Moran (Republican)
Rep. Tracey Mann (Republican-D1)
Rep. Jacob LaTurner (Republican-D2)
Rep. Sharice Davids (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Ron Estes (Republican-D4)

Score: 83
Score: 83
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100


Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican)
Sen. Randal H. Paul (Republican)
Rep. James R. Comer (Republican-D1)
Rep. Brett Guthrie (Republican-D2)
Rep. Morgan McGarvey (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Thomas H. Massie (Republican-D4)
Rep. Harold Rogers (Republican-D5)
Rep. Garland H. Barr (Republican-D6)

Score: 86
Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 26
Score: 73
Score: 100
Score: 100


Sen. William M. Cassidy (Republican)
Sen. John N. Kennedy (Republican)
Speaker James Michael Johnson (Republican-D4)
Rep. Stephen J. Scalise (Republican-D1)
Rep. Troy Carter (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Clay Higgins (Republican-D3)
Rep. Julia Letlow (Republican-D5)
Rep. Garret Graves (Republican-D6)

Score: 86
Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 100


Sen. Susan M. Collins (Democrat)
Sen. Angus S. King (Independent)
Rep. Chellie Pingree (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Jared F. Golden (Democrat-D2)

Score: 38
Score: 0
Score: 20
Score: 34


Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (Democrat)
Sen. Christopher J. Van Hollen (Democrat)
Rep. Andrew P. Harris (Republican-D1)
Rep. Charles A. Ruppersberger (Democrat-D2)
Rep. John P. Sarbanes (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Glenn F. Ivey (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (Democrat-D5)
Rep. David Trone (Democrat-D6)
Rep. Kweisi Mfume (Democrat-D7)
Rep. Jamin B. Raskin (Democrat-D8)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 93
Score: 27
Score: 26
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 20


Sen. Edward J. Markey (Democrat)
Sen. Elizabeth A. Warren (Democrat)
Rep. Richard E. Neal (Democrat-D1)
Rep. James McGovern (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Lori Trahan (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Jake Auchincloss (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Katherine M. Clark (Democrat-D5)
Rep. Seth W. Moulton (Democrat-D6)
Rep. Ayanna S. Pressley (Democrat-D7)
Rep. Stephen F. Lynch (Democrat-D8)
Rep. William Keating (Democrat-D9)

Score: 12
Score: 12
Score: 29
Score: 21
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 7
Score: 27
Score: 27


Sen. Gary C. Peters (Democrat)
Sen. Deborah A. Stabenow (Democrat)
Rep. John W. Bergman (Republican-D1)
Rep. John R. Moolenaar (Republican-D2)
Rep. Hillary Scholten (Democrat-D3)
Rep. William P. Huizenga (Republican-D4)
Rep. Timothy L. Walberg (Republican-D5)
Rep. Deborah A. Dingell (Democrat-D6)
Rep. Elissa Slotkin (Democrat-D7)
Rep. Daniel T. Kildee (Democrat-D8)
Rep. Lisa McClain (Republican-D9)
Rep. John James (Republican-D10)
Rep. Haley Stevens (Democrat-D11)
Rep. Rashida H. Tlaib (Democrat-D12)
Rep. Shri Thanedar (Democrat-D13

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 22
Score: 34
Score: 22
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 0
Score: 27


Sen. Amy J. Klobuchar (Democrat)
Sen. Tina F. Smith (Democrat)
Rep. Brad Finstad (Republican-D1)
Rep. Angie Craig (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Dean Phillips (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Betty McCollum (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Ilhan A. Omar (Democrat-D5)
Rep. Thomas E. Emmer (Republican-D6)
Rep. Michelle Fischbach (Republican-D7)
Rep. Pete Stauber (Republican-D8)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 100
Score: 7
Score: 19
Score: 27
Score: 7
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100


Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (Republican)
Sen. Roger F. Wicker (Republican)
Rep. Trent Kelly (Republican-D1)
Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Michael Guest (Republican-D3)
Rep. Mike Ezell (Republican-D4)

Score: 86
Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 20
Score: 100
Score: 100


Sen. Eric Schmitt (Republican)
Sen. Joshua D. Hawley (Republican)
Rep. Cori Bush (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Ann L. Wagner (Republican-D2)
Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (Republican-D3)
Rep. Mark Alford (Republican-D4)
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (Democrat-D5)
Rep. Samuel B. Graves (Republican-D6)
Rep. Eric Burlison (Republican-D7)
Rep. Jason T. Smith (Republican-D8)

Score: 83
Score: 100
Score: 0
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 31
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 100


Sen. Jon Tester (Democrat)
Sen. Steven D. Daines (Republican)
Rep. Ryan Zinke (Republican-D1)
Rep. Matt Rosendale (Republican-D2)

Score: 0
Score: 86
Score: 93
Score: 93


Sen. Debra Fischer (Republican)
Sen. John Peter Ricketts (Republican)
Rep. Michael J. Flood (Republican-D1)
Rep. Donald J. Bacon (Republican-D2)
Rep. Adrian M. Smith (Republican-D3)

Score: 86
Score: 83
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100


Sen. Jacklyn S. Rosen (Democrat)
Rep. Alice C. Titus (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Mark E. Amodei (Republican-D2)
Rep. Susie Lee (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Steven Horsford (Democrat-D4)

Score: 0
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 21
Score: 27

New Hampshire

Sen. Margaret Wood Hassan (Democrat)
Sen. Cynthia Jeanne Shaheen (Democrat)
Rep. Christopher C. Pappas (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Ann Kuster (Democrat-D2)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 27
Score: 29

New Jersey

Sen. Robert Menendez (Democrat)
Sen. Cory A. Booker (Democrat)
Rep. Donald W. Norcross (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Jefferson Van Drew (Republican-D2)
Rep. Andy Kim (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Christopher H. Smith (Republican-D4)
Rep. Joshua S. Gottheimer (Democrat-D5)
Rep. Frank J. Pallone (Democrat-D6)
Rep. Thomas H. Kean (Republican-D7)
Rep. Rob Menendez (Democrat-D8)
Rep. William J. Pascrell (Democrat-D9)
Rep. Donald M. Payne (Democrat-D10)
Rep. Mikie Sherrill (Democrat-D11)
Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (Democrat-D12)

Score: 12
Score: 22
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 0
Score: 27
Score: 20

New Mexico

Sen. Martin T. Heinrich (Democrat)
Sen. Ben Ray Luján (Democrat)
Rep. Melanie Ann Stansbury (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Gabe Vasquez (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez (Democrat-D3)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 27
Score: 34
Score: 27

New York

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (Democrat)
Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand (Democrat)
Rep. Nick LaLota (Republican-D1)
Rep. Andrew Garbarino (Republican-D2)
Rep. George Santos (Republican-D3)
Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (Republican-D4)
Rep. Gregory W. Meeks (Democrat-D5)
Rep. Grace Meng (Democrat-D6)
Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez (Democrat-D7)
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (Democrat-D8)
Rep. Yvette D. Clarke (Democrat-D9)
Rep. Dan Goldman (Democrat-D10)
Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (Republican-D11)
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (Democrat-D12)
Rep. Adriano Espaillat (Democrat-D13)
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Democrat-D14)
Rep. Ritchie Torres (Democrat-D15)
Rep. Jamaal Bowman (Democrat-D16)
Rep. Mike Lawler (Republican-D17)
Rep. Patrick Ryan (Democrat-D18)
Rep. Marc Molinaro (Republican-D19)
Rep. Paul D. Tonko (Democrat-D20)
Rep. Elise M. Stefanik (Republican-D21)
Rep. Brandon Williams (Republican-D22)
Rep. Nick Langworthy (Republican-D23)
Rep. Claudia Tenney (Republican-D24)
Rep. Joseph D. Morelle (Democrat-D25)
Rep. Brian M. Higgins (Democrat-D26)

Score: 12
Score: 0
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 17
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 29
Score: 99
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 7
Score: 27
Score: 6
Score: 93
Score: 27
Score: 93
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 10

North Carolina

Sen. Theodore P. Budd (Republican)
Sen. Thomas R. Tillis (Republican)
Rep. Don Davis (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Deborah Ross (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Gregory F. Murphy (Republican-D3)
Rep. Valerie P. Foushee (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Virginia A. Foxx (Republican-D5)
Rep. Kathy Manning (Democrat-D6)
Rep. David Rouzer (Republican-D7)
Rep. James Daniel Bishop (Republican-D8)
Rep. Richard Hudson (Republican-D9)
Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (Republican-D10)
Rep. Chuck M. Edwards (Republican-D11)
Rep. Alma S. Adams (Democrat-D12)
Rep. Wiley Nickel (Democrat-D13)
Rep. Jeff Jackson (Democrat-D14)

Score: 83
Score: 83
Score: 50
Score: 29
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27

North Dakota

Sen. Kevin J. Cramer (Republican)
Sen. John H. Hoeven (Republican)
Rep. Kelly M. Armstrong (Republican-D1)

Score: 86
Score: 86
Score: 100


Sen. Sherrod C. Brown (Democrat)
Sen. J.D. Vance (Republican)
Rep. Greg Landsman (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Brad R. Wenstrup (Republican-D2)
Rep. Joyce Beatty (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Jim Jordan (Republican-D4)
Rep. Robert E. Latta (Republican-D5)
Rep. Bill Johnson (Republican-D6)
Rep. Max Miller (Republican-D7)
Rep. Warren Davidson (Republican-D8)
Rep. Marcy Kaptur (Democrat-D9)
Rep. Michael R. Turner (Republican-D10)
Rep. Shontel M. Brown (Democrat-D11)
Rep. Troy Balderson (Republican-D12)
Rep. Emilia Sykes (Democrat-D13)
Rep. David Joyce (Republican-D14)
Rep. Mike Carey (Republican-D15)

Score: 0
Score: 100
Score: 29
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 93
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 100


Sen. James P. Lankford (Republican)
Sen. Markwayne Mullin (Republican)
Rep. Kevin Hern (Republican-D1)
Rep. Josh Brecheen (Republican-D2)
Rep. Frank D. Lucas (Republican-D3)
Rep. Thomas J. Cole (Republican-D4)
Rep. Stephanie Bice (Republican-D5)

Score: 86
Score: 83
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100


Sen. Jeffrey A. Merkley (Democrat)
Sen. Ronald L. Wyden (Democrat)
Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Cliff Bentz (Republican-D2)
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Val Hoyle (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (Republican-D5)
Rep. Andrea Salinas (Democrat-D6)

Score: 12
Score: 25
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 21
Score: 27
Score: 93
Score: 27


Sen. Robert P. Casey (Democrat)
Sen. John Fetterman (Democrat)
Rep. Brian K. Fitzpatrick (Republican-D1)
Rep. Brendan F. Boyle (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Dwight Evans (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Madeleine Dean (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (Democrat-D5)
Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (Democrat-D6)
Rep. Susan E. Wild (Democrat-D7)
Rep. Matthew A. Cartwright (Democrat-D8)
Rep. Dan Meuser (Republican-D9)
Rep. Scott Perry (Republican-D10)
Rep. Lloyd K. Smucker (Republican-D11)
Rep. Summer Lee (Democrat-D12)
Rep. John Joyce (Republican-D13)
Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (Republican-D14)
Rep. Glenn Thompson (Republican-D15)
Rep. George J. Kelly (Republican-D16)
Rep. Chris Deluzio (Democrat-D17)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 87
Score: 27
Score: 45
Score: 27
Score: 10
Score: 34
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 93
Score: 100
Score: 7
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 27

Rhode Island

Sen. John F. Reed (Democrat)
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (Democrat)
Rep. Gabe Amo (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Seth Magaziner (Democrat-D2)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 61
Score: 21

South Carolina

Sen. Timothy E. Scott (Republican)
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (Republican)
Rep. Nancy Mace (Republican-D1)
Rep. Addison G. Wilson (Republican-D2)
Rep. Jeffrey D. Duncan (Republican-D3)
Rep. William Timmons (Republican-D4)
Rep. Ralph W. Norman (Republican-D5)
Rep. James E. Clyburn (Democrat-D6)
Rep. Russell Fry (Republican-D7)

Score: 80
Score: 71
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 99
Score: 93
Score: 26
Score: 100

South Dakota

Sen. Marion Michael Rounds (Republican)
Sen. John R. Thune (Republican)
Rep. Dusty Johnson (Republican-D1)

Score: 86
Score: 86
Score: 100


Sen. Marsha W. Blackburn (Republican)
Sen. Bill Hagerty (Republican)
Rep. Diana Harshbarger (Republican-D1)
Rep. Tim Burchett (Republican-D2)
Rep. Charles Fleischmann (Republican-D3)
Rep. Scott DesJarlais (Republican-D4)
Rep. Andy Ogles (Republican-D5)
Rep. John Rose (Republican-D6)
Rep. Mark E. Green (Republican-D7)
Rep. David F. Kustoff (Republican-D8)
Rep. Steve Cohen (Democrat-D9)

Score: 86
Score: 86
Score: 99
Score: 91
Score: 100
Score: 92
Score: 99
Score: 99
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 29


Sen. John Cornyn (Republican)
Sen. Ted Cruz (Republican)
Rep. Nathaniel Moran (Republican-D1)
Rep. Daniel Crenshaw (Republican-D2)
Rep. Keith Self (Republican-D3)
Rep. Pat Fallon (Republican-D4)
Rep. Lance Gooden (Republican-D5)
Rep. Jake Ellzey (Republican-D6)
Rep. Elizabeth Pannill Fletcher (Democrat-D7)
Rep. Morgan Luttrell (Republican-D8)
Rep. Al Green (Democrat-D9)
Rep. Michael T. McCaul (Republican-D10)
Rep. August Pfluger (Republican-D11)
Rep. Kay Granger (Republican-D12)
Rep. Ronny Jackson (Republican-D13)
Rep. Randy Weber (Republican-D14)
Rep. Monica De La Cruz (Republican-D15)
Rep. Veronica Escobar (Democrat-D16)
Rep. Pete Sessions (Republican-D17)
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (Democrat-D18)
Rep. Jodey C. Arrington (Republican-D19)
Rep. Joaquín Castro (Democrat-D20)
Rep. Charles E. Roy (Republican-D21)
Rep. Troy Nehls (Republican-D22)
Rep. Earnest Anthony Gonzales (Republican-D23)
Rep. Beth Van Duyne (Republican-D24)
Rep. John Roger Williams (Republican-D25)
Rep. Michael C. Burgess (Republican-D26)
Rep. Michael J. Cloud (Republican-D27)
Rep. Henry R. Cuellar (Democrat-D28)
Rep. Sylvia R. Garcia (Democrat-D29)
Rep. Jasmine Crockett (Democrat-D30)
Rep. John R. Carter (Republican-D31)
Rep. Colin Allred (Democrat-D32)
Rep. Marc Veasey (Democrat-D33)
Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (Democrat-D34)
Rep. Greg Casar (Democrat-D35)
Rep. Brian Babin (Republican-D36)
Rep. Lloyd Alton Doggett (Democrat-D37)
Rep. Wesley Hunt (Republican-D38)

Score: 86
Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 14
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 26
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 100
Score: 14
Score: 93
Score: 93
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 99
Score: 54
Score: 27
Score: 26
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 37
Score: 7
Score: 100
Score: 14
Score: 100


Sen. Willard Mitt Romney (Republican)
Sen. Michael S. Lee (Republican)
Rep. Blake Moore (Republican-D1)
Rep. Christopher D. Stewart (Republican-D2)
Rep. John R. Curtis (Republican-D3)
Rep. Burgess Owens (Republican-D4)

Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 100


Sen. Bernard Sanders (Independent)
Sen. Peter F. Welch (Democrat)
Rep. Becca Balint (Democrat-D1)

Score: 14
Score: 14
Score: 20


Sen. Timothy M. Kaine (Democrat)
Sen. Mark R. Warner (Democrat)
Rep. Robert J. Wittman (Republican-D1)
Rep. Jen Kiggans (Republican-D2)
Rep. Robert C. Scott (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Jennifer L. McClellan (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Bob Good (Republican-D5)
Rep. Benjamin L. Cline (Republican-D6)
Rep. Abigail Spanberger (Democrat-D7)
Rep. Donald S. Beyer (Democrat-D8)
Rep. H. Morgan Griffith (Republican-D9)
Rep. Jennifer T. Wexton (Democrat-D10)
Rep. Gerald Connolly (Democrat-D11)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 27
Score: 31
Score: 93
Score: 99
Score: 27
Score: 21
Score: 99
Score: 22
Score: 27


Sen. Maria E. Cantwell (Democrat)
Sen. Patricia L. Murray (Democrat)
Rep. Suzan K. DelBene (Democrat-D1)
Rep. Rick Larsen (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (Democrat-D3)
Rep. Daniel M. Newhouse (Republican-D4)
Rep. Cathy A. McMorris Rodgers (Republican-D5)
Rep. Derek C. Kilmer (Democrat-D6)
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (Democrat-D7)
Rep. Kim Schrier (Democrat-D8)
Rep. Adam Smith (Democrat-D9)
Rep. Marilyn Strickland (Democrat-D10)

Score: 0
Score: 0
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 40
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 29
Score: 7
Score: 27
Score: 27
Score: 27

West Virginia

Sen. Joseph Manchin (Democrat)
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (Republican)
Rep. Carol Miller (Republican-D1)
Rep. Alexander X. Mooney (Republican-D2)

Score: 38
Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 100


Sen. Tammy S. Baldwin (Democrat)
Sen. Ronald H. Johnson (Republican)
Rep. Bryan Steil (Republican-D1)
Rep. Mark Pocan (Democrat-D2)
Rep. Derrick Van Orden (Republican-D3)
Rep. Gwen S. Moore (Democrat-D4)
Rep. Scott Fitzgerald (Republican-D5)
Rep. Glenn Grothman (Republican-D6)
Rep. Thomas Tiffany (Republican-D7)
Rep. Michael J. Gallagher (Republican-D8)

Score: 0
Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 20
Score: 100
Score: 29
Score: 100
Score: 100
Score: 93
Score: 100


Sen. John A. Barrasso (Republican)
Sen. Cynthia Lummis (Republican)
Rep. Harriet M. Hageman (Republican-D1)

Score: 86
Score: 100
Score: 99
