CWALAC Applauds the Senate for Taking Action to Defund Planned Parenthood

CWALAC_MediaStatementWashington, D.C. – This afternoon, Republican Senators, led by Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), will highlight legislation to protect women’s health and defund Planned Parenthood, S. 1881.

The nation’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, currently receives federal funding: over one-half billion taxpayer dollars per year. An organization that claims to serve and protect women has repeatedly done the exact opposite.

Concerned Women for America is joining other organizations around the nation to say “Enough is enough.” Planned Parenthood betrays women and should not be receiving federal funding. Penny Nance, Concerned Women for America CEO and President had this to say:

“Thirty to one hundred dollars; that’s the amount Planned Parenthood appears to be profiting per dead baby. The videos that continue to be released exposing Planned Parenthood’s senior-level employees haggling and negotiating over baby lungs, hearts, and brains for profit is inhumane and vile. The laundry list of scandals, including aiding and abetting sex traffickers, giving sexual bondage instructions to children, cheating the government, sex-selection abortions, blatant racism, and the failure to report the molestation and rape of minors, continues to grow.

“There appears to be no depths to which this organization won’t stoop for money. When will the federal government wake up and follow the lead of the ten courageous governors who have cut funding to Planned Parenthood?

“Concerned Women for America LAC endorses this pertinent bill, S. 1881, that was filed last night in the Senate by Sens. Ernst, Blunt, Lankford, Scott, and Paul.”

For an interview with Penny Nance, please contact Janae Stracke at or 712-269-1724.