CWA Urges Supporters to Stand Behind Faith-Based Hobby Lobby

By September 19, 2012Press Releases

Nance: “We all have the power of pocketbook persuasion, that’s why I encourage those of faith to add Hobby Lobby to their shopping list.”

WASHINGTON D.C. – Concerned Women for America (CWA) CEO and President Penny Nance has issued the following statement in response to a boycott of Hobby Lobby for the faith-based company’s recent filing of a lawsuit against the Obama Administration for the Health and Human Services mandate on providing abortion-causing drugs and birth control for employees.

“We at CWA fully support Hobby Lobby for their commitment to Biblical principles and the sanctity of life by refusing to abandon their religious beliefs to comply with the HHS mandate. Any American, no matter their religious beliefs, should respect that. We all have the power of pocketbook persuasion. That’s why I encourage those of faith to add Hobby Lobby to your shopping list; stand behind business owners who stand up for the tenets of their faith. We recently learned that conservatives can send a message when they stand together, and I expect we will see this liberal boycott to be about as successful as the Chick-Fil-A boycott.”