CWA She Votes 2012 ‘Today’s Politics: What’s a Christian to Do?’ Event in Kalamazoo, Michigan, this Saturday, October 20

By October 18, 2012Press Releases

Washington D.C. – Concerned Women for America (CWA) CEO and President Penny Nance will speak at the following get-out-the vote event in Michigan, October 20, 2012. The event is part of CWA’s national million-dollar nationwide project, She Votes 2012, a project to get out the vote in the November general election.

Event details are as follows:
Event: Today’s Politics: What’s a Christian to Do?
Time: 2:30 p.m – 5:30 p.m. ET
Location: Miller Auditorium of Western Michigan University
2200 Auditorium Drive
Kalamazoo, MI 49006

Speakers include:
Penny Nance, CWA CEO and President
Phyllis Schlafly , Founder of Eagle Forum
Ellis Washington, Author & Board Member of Salt and Light Global

Click here for the event flyer.

“With the national debt now at 16 trillion, big government out of control, the family being redefined, our religious rights under attack and abortion taking the lives of 4,000 children a day, what is our responsibility before God for this nation? ” CWA CEO and President Penny Nance said.

“What’s a Christian to do? We have just three weeks until the most important election in our lifetime, and we are leaving no stone unturned to get-out-the-conservative vote. Together we will change the course of our nation through prayer, voter registration, voter identification, voter turnout, and more.”

She Votes 2012 inspires, trains, and activates conservatives to impact elections across the country. The goal is to see more conservative leaders in office who will uphold traditional family values, respect national sovereignty, and support constitutional free market principles.

To learn more about She Votes 2012, please visit

If you would like to schedule an interview with CWA CEO and President Penny Nance please contact Alice Stewart at or 202-365-5654.

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