CWA of Wisconsin Recommends You Participate in This Dialog about Common Core State Standards

By April 24, 2013Wisconsin

You are invited to participate in a Stop Common Core in Wisconsin Conference Call

Common Core is a federal power grab of our schools. It is time to educate our state citizens on the threat Common Core places on the American education system and the harm it imposes on our children’s future. Our children and grandchildren depend on it.

When: Thursday, April 25, 12:00 p.m. CST

Call: (805) 399-1000

Code: 662912


Joy Pullman – Heartland Institute
Neil McClusky – Center for Academic Freedom, The CATO Institute
Karen Schroeder – Advocates for Academic Freedom

Please pray the movement to oppose Common Core in our state would grow and be effective.

For the future!

Kim Simac
State Director
CWA of Wisconsin
(715) 891-3207